I invite you to take part in a study about college experiences and how you navigate school as a first-generation college student who is a child of immigrants. This study involves a brief 5-minute questionnaire followed by a 30-60 minute interview conducted virtually over Zoom.


The questionnaire and interview will last approximately one hour and are completely confidential. You will receive a $10 Amazon gift card for your participation.

The goal of this study is to understand how first-generation college students who are children of immigrants navigate college. By participating, you will help contribute to what we know about higher education.

Interested? Please e-mail me directly at
[log in to unmask] to set up an interview date/time.

Thank you for considering it.

Sara Montiel






Sara Montiel | Associate Director of Student Services 
4400 University Drive, MS 5D3 | Enterprise Hall, Room 414 | Fairfax, VA 22030
phone: 703-993-3525 | fax: 703-993-1439 | email: [log in to unmask]
| web: http://integrative.gmu.edu


Click here to schedule an advising appointment


Signature Themes: Context * Achiever * Empathy * Relator * Woo


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