Dear all,

With apologies for the late notice, I wanted to let you know that George Oberle is speaking to the PhD colloquium tonight about online research strategies during the pandemic; the session will run from 5:30 to 7.  If you would like to attend, please just email me and I’ll send you the link.

Also, please find below the schedule for the rest of the PhD colloquium this semester; all meetings run from 5:30 to 7. All are welcome, if you are interested in attending a session, please just email me on the day of the meeting and I’ll send you a link.


PhD Colloquium Schedule Spring 2021

Feb 22 – A conversation with Dr. Simeon Man<>, UC San Diego

March 8 – A conversation with Dr. Monica Mercado<>, Colgate University

March 15 – How to put together a dissertation committee

Apr 5 – prospectus presentations

Apr 19 – prospectus presentations