Dear Students,

Our speaker next week (Dr. Wei) will be setting time aside to meet with graduate and undergraduate students as a group after the Seminar presentation only.  If you are interested, please plan to stay from 1:00-1:30 pm to meet and ask questions.  I’ve adjusted the same Zoom meeting to allow for this change in time. It is listed below for your convenience.

I hope you are able to attend.

Thank you,


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Meeting ID: 925 5424 9038

Passcode: 640851

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        +1 267 831 0333 US (Philadelphia)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

Meeting ID: 925 5424 9038

Passcode: 640851

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Carol McHugh

Academic Program Assistant

Department of Bioengineering

3100 Peterson Family Health Services Hall