Important information for all Master's students writing theses and Doctoral students writing dissertations:
If you are planning to graduate in the Fall 2020 Semester, you must email your document to
University Dissertation & Thesis Services (UDTS) for a
Format Review.
Format Reviews are mandatory for all theses and dissertations.
The Format Review Deadline for Fall 2020 is 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 30.
In order to be eligible to graduate under Fall 2020, you must receive an email from our office on or by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 30 stating that your document's formatting is correct, and your Format Review is over.
You do not need to wait until your content is in its final, perfect form to send it to us for the Format Review. We recommend
that you send your document to us for review 2 - 3 weeks before your defense date. If you are not defending, we recommend that you send your document to us 6 weeks before the Final Submission deadline (Friday, December 4, 2020).
The earlier you can send your document to us for review, the better.
To submit your document for review, please send it to [log in to unmask] We will check it and respond to you as soon as possible with any changes you may need to make.
It generally takes 2 rounds of review before your formatting is approved.
You can continue to make changes to the content of your document after you have passed the Format Review.
After passing the review, you do not have to submit subsequent versions of your document to us for further review unless you wish to do so.
If you have not sent your document to us for review, please do so as soon as possible.
The absolute latest we would recommend sending your document to us for review is 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 16.
All Format Reviews will cease between 5:01 p.m. on Monday, November 30 and 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 9.