I-SEC Students:

The Spring 2021 schedule of classes is now viewable on PatriotWeb.  Registration will begin on November 4th. 
The spring 2021 semester is scheduled to begin on January 25th, a week later than originally planned. Many classes will be delivered online in synchronous, asynchronous, and hybrid formats. Some classes will take place on campus. You may refer to the syllabus or the course Blackboard page, or reach out to the instructor directly as needed to make sure you understand the format and expectations. Please see Mason’s Safe Return to Campus Plan for more details. 

Please make a note the following information:

  1. POGO 511 students must first pass a screening exam.  Information about this is at http://schar.gmu.edu/511


  1. ITRN 501: Data Analysis Global Pol Econ (can be found under International Commerce/Policy; this course does not require a screening exam)


Please note the following important wait list procedures:

·         Students will be sent e-mails (to their Mason e-mail accounts) when waitlist overrides are issued.  Students will not be able to waitlist for a course if the following apply:

  1. They are already registered for another section of the same course.
  2. They are already on a waitlist for another section of the same course

·         For more information please visit the Registrar's Waitlist Information page.


Finally, to assist you with the registration process, I will be holding "Virtual Advising Open House"  hours this Thursday from 5pm-6:30pm, and  on Monday, November 2nd from 5pm-6:30pm. To join, please visit: https://gmu.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6b3fa353c15506166e485a3a0&id=cf1ee01eb0&e=ebf23bdb28



Should you have any questions, let me know.


Silva Morris

Director of Student Services

Schar School of Policy and Government