Undergraduate NEWS:
You can find your time ticket
The time tickets were sent out to you by the registrar today. Attached is the Important registration information sheet for Bioengineering Spring 2021.
Right now there are no online chemistry labs offered for CHEM 213 and 214 in spring 2021. We are waiting for more information and will get back to you.
NEW: Do you have concerns about classes or other issues at Mason?
Please let us know. Your information will be handled confidentially. Please follow this link:
Appointments with your Bioengineering Academic Advisor and Success Coach:
All scheduled advising appointments will be online.
Use the appointment system SSC Campus -, choose GET ASSISTANCE
à Virtual and Bioengineering Major advising. Download
Zoom from the ITS website for free: Download
the app to your desktop. Once you make an appointment with me in SSC Campus I will send you an invitation.
You can also email me.
Coffee Chat:
STUDENT GUIDE 2020-2021: Find curriculum information, classes and more
Mason CAREER Night:
Oct. 28
| 4:00 – 7:00 pm: Register
here. This fair features 2 ways to connect with employers by video chat: 30 min group sessions and 10 min one-on-one sessions. Space is limited! Get updates on sessions by following participating employers.
BENG Seminar:
| 12 – 1:00 pm | Lampouguin Yenkoidiok Douti, Ph.D, Scientist, GlaxoSmith Kline, Slaoui Center for Vaccine Research, Rockville, MD.
Zoom link:,
Meeting ID: 925 5424 9038 Passcode: 640851
Title: Development and Optimization of a P47-based Plasmodium Vaccine to Bloc Malaria Transmission
For more information on our fall 2020 seminar series and speakers please check attachment.
CASSBI Seminars:
Look for upcoming events here.
BMES (Biomedical Engineering Society):
Local Chapter: President: Antarjot Kaur, Organization email:
[log in to unmask], Instagram: bmes_gmu, Twitter: @BmesGmu and snapchat: @Bmes_Gmu
BMES General Body Meetings
Thursday, Nov. 12 | 5:30 pm |
Virtual Open House Events:
Oct. 30
| 3:00 – 4:00 pm | EST
The MS-MPE program at the University of Pittsburgh is designed to provide students didactic and experiential learning opportunities aimed at accelerating translation of innovative ideas into impactful medical products. Pittsburgh
is a hub for healthcare and biomedical innovation. Students in our MS-MPE program work closely with clinical and engineering leaders on innovative projects that have a potential to change the field of healthcare delivery, while learning best practices from
industry professionals.
[log in to unmask] for login information. In your RSVP, include:
Name: First & Last
Year: Junior/Senior/Other
Email address:
Preferred Open House Date: September 25 or October 30
Questions (optional):
OSCAR’S Undergraduate Research Scholars Program:
The application for the program is now open!
The Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP) is designed to give undergraduates an authentic research, creative, or scholarly experience under the guidance of a mentor. Students may receive
financial support and/or academic credit for their projects, in addition to developing relevant academic and professional skills. More information can be found here in the Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs).
Oct. 28:
URSP Proposal Submissions deadline
The Navel Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP) – Application Deadline:
Nov. 30, 2020:
National Security Agency Summer Intern Program for Science and Technology (SIP/ST):
Application Deadline: Oct. 31st, 2020,
BENG UG Research Opportunities:
Follow this link- or copy and paste this address: , we are not adding any opportunities
for this semester.
[Flyer] Engineering World Health Virtual Winter Institute:
Apply on our website:
Improve you engineering design skill
Join an international team of engineering students for 3 weeks
Learn about health challenges in low-resource settings
Design your solution to a global health issue
January 4, 2021 – January 22, 2021
$500/student, due ten days after acceptance
Did you have an internship last summer and would like to tell us about it? Is your senior design group on the brink of making a global impact or you would like to share your lab experience here in the
newsletter? Please email a short summary, picture and a confirmation for information release:
[log in to unmask].
Job and Mason Tutoring Services
Peer Mentor Center
For appointments:
Please see attachment for links and times or use
University Career Services
| University Career Services is now virtual. You can also schedule
an appointment on Handshake. Our industry advisor is Ms. Dorothy Hayden.
Major/Career Exploration and Job/Internship Search Assistance:
Schedule a phone or video chat appointment through Handshake
Resume Reviews: Email your resume or cover letter for review, along
with the position description of the job for which you're applying, to [log in to unmask]
Workshops and Employer Events: Check the calendar in Handshake for
virtual career events
Top Three Digital Career Resources:
With your Mason Net ID and password you have complete access to premium digital platforms designed to augment your career readiness preparation. Here are the top three
we recommend:
the perfect tool for a practice interview
your go-to resource for employer and industry research
LinkedIn Learning:
a seemingly endless stream of educational programs, including certifications
The Volgenau School of Engineering offers several scholarships for both graduate and undergraduate students.