Why Racism Matter to Jews – A Webinar on Zoom
Wednesday, July 29, 2pm-3:15pm
Featuring: Dr. LaNitra Berger, Senior Director, Office of Fellowships, Office of Undergraduate Education, George Mason University; Dr. Charles Chavis, Assistant Professor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution and History and Director of the John Mitchell, Jr. Program for History, Justice, and Race, at the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University; and Rabbi Jeffrey Saxe, Temple Rodef Shalom, Falls Church, VA
Join us for a thought-provoking conversation among three local professionals who care deeply about racial inequality and the status of Black-Jewish relations today, followed by a Q&A with the audience. Dr. Berger will speak to how Jews might feel about their whiteness considering the current climate of racism toward “others,” while also experiencing anti-Semitism. Dr. Chavis will give a historical perspective on how the Black Jewish Alliance rose during the Civil Rights movement and where it is now as dramatic events unfold each day. Rabbi Saxe will discuss what our congregations and communities can do to help in this significant moment of racial awakening, as well as how Jews of color might feel about their experiences. This is a dialogue for anyone who values equality and justice for all.
Click here to register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_T20m-zaPSyWp2e6DMTImLg