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Afternoon folks,

Please share with your students as best you can.  Especially that students need to register by Monday, June 15 at noon and that they can also sign up for a slot for the Virtual Resume clinic in Handshake.


The marketing toolkit can be found here: https://gmuedu-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/cmcmilli_gmu_edu/EuDZLijoHI1Km9KoLeWlegkBvWXobS3v0G_ntn-9bJ76uw?e=TKAAHi.  This has some great options for any social media you are using to stay connected with your students. 


  1. The deadline to register for the Virtual Job Fair is June 15 at noon
  2. All employers at the Virtual Job Fair are hiring – use Handshake to research their opportunities
  3. The Virtual Resume Clinic is June 16 and 17– space is limited. Sign up by June 10 at 3 pm
  4. Get tips on how to introduce yourself to employers & prepare for the fair at careers.gmu.edu/prepare
  5. Review our Workwear Pinterest Board for ideas on how to dress for the fair


Thanks to everyone who has come together to help make this first Virtual Job Fair a success!




Kristin Leonato

Associate Director, Strategic Initiatives

George Mason University | University Career Services

SUB I, 3400 MSN 3B6

Fairfax VA 22030

[log in to unmask] | 703-993-4021

Pronouns: she/her/hers



Follow @masoncareer on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram


Please note that e-mail is not a confidential form of communication. If you are receiving this message in error, please let me know.


Although University Career Services reviews advertised positions, we cannot guarantee that every advertised position is legitimate or appropriate for you. You are responsible to determine whether a potential job matches your skills and interests, and if a potential job is legitimate.


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