
May 28th,  2020



MAY 29  QSE Registration Deadline (more information below)

June 12th Deadline for special request alternate grading scale



Last newsletter until August 2020

Alternate Grade Scale change
extended to JUNE 12th


Undergraduate NEWS:



Grading Options for Spring 2020 semester: Please read the Q&As in the end, they will answer all of your immediate questions:
Instructions for Changing Grade Mode after May 22th until June 12th:
If you missed the deadline of May 22 you can still change the grade mode of any course. We will accept requests to [log in to unmask] directly from you until June 12. You must explain why you didn’t change it by the deadline and list the specific course & number you are requesting as well as your full name and g-number. This includes to reverse from alternate grade to letter grade and vice versa.


Appointments with your Advisor:
All scheduled advising appointments will be online. Use the appointment system SSC Campus -, choose Virtual and Bioengineering Major advising. WebEx link: Download the app to your desktop. Once you make an appointment with me in SSC Campus I will send you an invitation. You can also email me.

Virtual Coffee Chat: Coffee chat Friday 5/29 from 2:00pm – 2:30 pm. Want to complain, let off steam, feel connected or have questions.. Webex:         

Office Hours: Friday, 5/29 from 2:30 -3:30pm. Webex: | 319973460 , first come first serve, your virtual lobby will be the waiting room.


MATH 114 and MATH 214 and the alternate grading scale:

With the implementation of the new grading scale option, the department of Bioengineering decided to waive the B- prerequisite in MATH 114 and/or MATH 214 for students choosing the XS (Extraordinary Circumstances – Satisfactory) option for spring 2020. This will also apply to students retaking the course.


FRESHMEN: STARTING Fall 2020, BENG 320 will be a prerequisite for BENG 330/331. Students who plan on taking BENG 230 in fall or spring please open the attached new Fall 2020 curricula. Adjust your schedule, email Claudia Borke if you have questions or see her for advising.


Mindfulness/Meditation session | Online Mo-W  12-12:30pm and Th-Fr 12-12:20 pm WEBEX meeting number:, Meeting Number: 643418425 Password: Gmi4YX2pF5s. Come and join the Mason community for an opportunity to pause, breathe, relax, and be in a kind, supportive, loving space.

BENG Seminar |

CASSBI Seminars: Look for upcoming events here.                                                                                          

BMES: Election Outcomes: President: Antarjot Kaur, Vice President of Extracurricular Activities and Events: Abdulaziz Alaraini, Vice President of Communications: Holly To, Treasurer: Renae Bitor, Marketer: Allison Wells, Secretary: Xander Boit



The Bioengineering Department is excited to offer a new Quality Science Education (QSE) curriculum for our students starting this June! The QSE program prepares students for careers in the life science industries – particularly in the pharmaceutical, medical device and biomedical science sectors. Courses will be available to take online through our new partner, Pathway for Patient Health. 


The online program offers 3 courses :

1) Global Regulatory and Legal Requirements of Quality focused on “why” global regulations were adopted, and the evolution of the quality systems grounded in science.

2) Product Development, Specifications, Process and Validation, to include criticality of inputs, risk controls and assessment, specifications, testing, clinical trials, transfer, scalability, yield and validation.

3) Risk and Failure Analysis, Investigation Processes and writing scientifically justified conclusions linked to laboratory experiments.


Highlights of the program include the following:

  • The curriculum is FREE to students.  There is no fee to enroll and no fee for the Pathway Portal user license each QSE student receives that connects the student to industry leaders.
  • QSE students will have opportunities for paid internships at pharmaceutical and medical device companies around the world. 
  • Hiring leaders will be connected to QSE students (via the Pathway Portal) who wish to be considered for employment opportunities.
  • 'Ask an Expert' is available to QSE students.  Industry mentors are assigned to groups of students in this portion of Pathway’s website. 
  • Live office hours at the beginning of the course are scheduled to make sure everyone is up and running.
  • Live sessions are scheduled to review for the midterm and final. 
  • Students who successfully complete all 5 QSE program courses (the 3 above and 2 others from your current degree program) will receive Pathway for Patient Health's Certificate of Completion.
  • Those receiving a Certificate of Completion will be a Certified Quality Science Professional and will have earned the right to place the following initials after their signatures:  CQSP (Ann S. Hinkle, CQSP).  Industry will recognize this acronym.

Learn about the QSE program by visiting the Pathway for Patient Health website:


BENG UG Research Opportunities: Follow this link or copy and paste this address:


Have you checked out our new alumni page:
Did you have an internship last summer and would like to tell us about it? Is your senior design group on the brink of making a global impact or you would like to share your lab experience here in the newsletter? Please email a short summary, picture and fill out the attached release form and send to: [log in to unmask].


NAVSEA Carderock is hosting a career fair through May 15th and is collecting resumes for opportunities. If you have questions about applying you can reach out directly to the employer. Resumes are being accepted here:

The Carderock Division consists of approximately 2000 scientists, engineers and support personnel. We are the Navy's experts for maritime  technology. The Division houses world-class facilities and laboratories at several sites across the country. We are accepting resumes now at - Carderock POC is Lisa A. Harden, Staffing & Classification Branch Head  at 301-227-2069, or [log in to unmask].

(This employer is requesting your resume and unofficial transcripts. Unofficial transcripts can be found in your PatriotWeb.)

Do you have a Linkedin account? Check out what Linked in can do for you

Job Services

Peer Mentor Center | Services will resume March 23rd  on the existing schedule but online via WebEx. Access instructions will be provided by VSE Undergraduate Student Services: M-TH from 10am – 6pm and F from 10am – 2pm |

University Career Services | University Career Services is now virtual. You can also schedule an appointment on Handshake.

Major/Career Exploration and Job/Internship Search Assistance:
Schedule a phone or video chat appointment through Handshake

Resume Reviews: Email your resume or cover letter for review, along with the position description of the job for which you're applying, to [log in to unmask] 

Workshops and Employer Events: Check the calendar in Handshake for virtual career events

Top Three Digital Career Resources:

With your Mason Net ID and password you have complete access to premium digital platforms designed to augment your career readiness preparation. Here are the top three we recommend:

  • InterviewStream: the perfect tool for a practice interview
  • Vault: your go-to resource for employer and industry research
  • LinkedIn Learning: a seemingly endless stream of educational programs, including certifications


The Volgenau School of Engineering offers several scholarships for both graduate and undergraduate students.


Contact Us

General Phone: 703-993-5846

Advising - Claudia Borke:703-993-4190

Email: [log in to unmask]


Connect with us on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter.
BMES twitter: @BmesGmu



Claudia Borke

Academic Advisor

EMAIL: [log in to unmask]

PHONE: 703-993-4190,  Leave message 24/7 and I will return your call


STUDENTS: Please use your MasonLive e-mail. Include name and G number!


Frequently Used Forms and Websites:

Declare concentration: (Fill out top and enter new concentration in “advisor use only” box)

Run Degree evaluation/audit:

How to check how other courses transfer to Mason:

Mason Core: