

Last reminder for our QSE Webinar tomorrow. This is a great opportunity for you this summer:


Claudia Borke

Academic Advisor, Department of Bioengineering

George Mason University

Volgenau School of Engineering

3102 Peterson Hall

4400 University Drive, MS 1J7

Fairfax, VA 22030

EMAIL: [log in to unmask]

PHONE: 703-993-4190,  Leave message 24/7 and I will return your call

WEBEX: https://gmu.webex.com/meet/cborke

WEBSITE: bioengineering.gmu.edu



APPOINTMENTS: https://gmu.campus.eab.com

FORMS, TIME TICKETS for REGISTRATION, CALENDARS: https://registrar.gmu.edu

Please utilize the following resources first before your advising session:


https://catalog.gmu.edu/ AND https://catalog.gmu.edu/mason-core/