Explore how a #career with #Merck will allow you to Invent, Impact, and Inspire. We are hosting a Virtual Career Connect Event on April 30, 2020 at 2:00pm (EDT) for our site in Elkton, VA. Register today: https://jobs.merck.com/us/en/event/5e8ccd624cedfd00064c01e1/Elkton-Virtual-Career-Connect-Event?utm_source=Event&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Elkton_Virtual_April  


During the Virtual Career Connect Event, we will share a holistic view of the Merck #Manufacturing facility in Elkton, VA and our culture, mission, and vision of making a difference in the lives of the multicultural patients we serve. Currently, our team of over 800 employees helps to supply the world with products from three major integrated process teams: large molecules, sterile pharmaceuticals, and biologics.


Check out our open positions and apply today!




Claudia Borke

Academic Advisor, Department of Bioengineering

George Mason University

Volgenau School of Engineering

3102 Peterson Hall

4400 University Drive, MS 1J7

Fairfax, VA 22030

EMAIL: [log in to unmask]

PHONE: 703-993-4190,  Leave message 24/7 and I will return your call

WEBEX: https://gmu.webex.com/meet/cborke

WEBSITE: bioengineering.gmu.edu



APPOINTMENTS: https://gmu.campus.eab.com

FORMS, TIME TICKETS for REGISTRATION, CALENDARS: https://registrar.gmu.edu

Please utilize the following resources first before your advising session:


https://catalog.gmu.edu/ AND https://catalog.gmu.edu/mason-core/