MS Students:

We have cancelled the seminar series Beng 800.  Some of you have already attended 2 seminars this semester, (excellent) but some have not.  If you have not attended sufficient Beng 800 seminars, we are giving you two options to complete the requirements.
1. attend 2 webinars. NIH has various webinars that you can watch.  You will need to write a small summary, say 100  - 200 words, on what is was about and send both the summary and the link to receive credit.  If you are an MS student, send the summary and link to Shani and Carol.  If you are a PhD student, send the summary and link to Avrama and Carol. Here is the link to NIH webinar:

Note that many of the seminars in the future are cancelled, but there are recorded seminars in the past (with this symbol:

[Videocast Event] ) that you may watch.
2. Under the new curriculum, you are required to attend Beng 800 for three semesters, and then you are allowed to register for Beng 801 for credit.  Thus, you could withdraw from Beng 800, and that will postpone when you can  register for Beng 801. NOTE, this option should not be selected if you are planning on graduate in May.  Please verify with Shani, Carol or Avrama that it will not impact your timeline or plan of study if you want to select this option.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,
Shani Ross