From: ASA <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2020 5:45 PM
To: Guoqing Diao <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Don't Miss the Opportunity to Bring Your Ideas to Biopharm 2020

Don't Miss Your Opportunity to Bring Ideas to the 2020 Workshop


Submit a Poster or Roundtable Proposal

As a poster presenter or roundtable discussion leader at the , you have a valuable opportunity to share and refine your ideas with the best in the field. Attendees are statistical practitioners in the biopharmaceutical arena hailing from industry, academia, and the FDA.


Roundtable discussion topic proposals are due: March 27

Poster proposals are due: April 15


Also, be sure to indicate during submission if you want your poster considered for a student travel grant or the best poster competition.

, which will be held in Rockville, MD, September 23-25, sells out every year, so mark your calendar for June 11, when Early Bird Registration begins.


American Statistical Association

732 North Washington Street

Alexandria, VA 22314


[log in to unmask] | (703)-684-1221 |

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