Undergraduate NEWS:
Appointments with your Advisor:
Use the appointment system SSC Campus -
Walk in hours:
January 24th: 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm, January 27th: 10 am – 11:30 am.
Please read attached Important Information for Bioengineering Spring 2020 Registration!
BENG 420/520
may not be taught in Fall 2020. Please rearrange your schedules for Spring 2020!
Spring and Summer 2020 Graduates: Make sure to make an appointment with Claudia Borke to go over degree audit and classes BEFORE Spring
registration. The Spring 2020 graduation application is now available on Patriot Web. Students must apply to graduate by February 23, 2020 to have their names printed in the commencement program. Summer 2020 graduates should
not apply for Spring graduation. Instead, students who apply for Summer graduation between January 29, 2020 and February 23, 2020 will be included in the commencement program.
Graduation process information can be found at
MATH 114
and MATH 214
need to be passed with a B- and above in the department of bioengineering.
Consider becoming a member of the national
Biomedical Engineering Society. Only $30/ year for student
membership. How to register for the local BMES chapter: Go to Mason 360, search BMES or click on the Groups & Organizations icon which takes you to the BMES page. Click the blue JOIN button. This
is an opportunity to mingle with BIOE students, network, go to conferences, help , fundraise and have fun.
Immediate Career Events
DELOITTE GPS (Government and Public Service) Donut
Day – Tues. Jan 28, 10am-2pm, George’s
Lockheed Martin
Computer Science Tech Talk – Tues. Jan 28, 6:30pm-7:45pm, ENGR 4201
Segue Technologies Open House – Weds. Jan 29, 5-7pm
BIOE Honors College Open House | January 30th from 5pm – 6:30 pm in
ENGR 2900. Food, networking, presentations.
3-Minute Thesis | Mason will be participating in the 3-Minute
Thesis competition . Registration is open and will continue until February 7, 2020.
BENG and CASBBI SEMINARS – start in February
BENG UG Research Opportunities:
Our department just created a new webpage on our website listing multiple available research projects with our faculty and faculty affiliates. The application is through the website. We encourage you to apply during winter break.
NIH Internship Opportunities:
AMGEN Scholars Program:
Summary: The Amgen Scholars Program at NIH is a partnership between the Amgen Foundation, the Foundation for the NIH, and the NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education. It is a sub-program of SIP (see below for more information
on SIP)
Application Deadline: February 3rd
Application materials required: complete the SIP application (see below), selecting AMGEN as a sub-program & AMGEN Supplementary application
Internship Duration: June 1st – August 7th
Eligibility: Rising juniors and Seniors interested in PHD or medical school US or Perm. Res.
– highly competitive:
sub-program of SIP
Application Deadline: February 3rd
Application materials required: complete the SIP application (see below), selecting BESIP as a sub-program. Internship Duration: June 1st – August 7th. Eligibility: Rising seniors
SIP in biomedical Research:
Application Deadline: March 1st
Application materials required: web-based application, resume, cover letter, letters of recommendation, list of courses and grades. Internship Duration: 8 weeks starting in May or June (TBD). Eligibility: US or Per. Res.
IMPORTANT: Applicants who submit their materials in the first two weeks have a success rate almost 3 times greater than those who submit during the 2 weeks just before the deadline.
NIST internship opportunities:
NIST’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program:
Program Description: Over the course of 11 weeks, SURF students contribute to the ongoing research of one of the six NIST facilities which are the Communications Technology Laboratory (CTL), Engineering Laboratory
(EL), Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), Material Measurement Laboratory (MML), NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR), and Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML) (which now includes project in the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology). The SURF
Program is administered at the Boulder, CO and Gaithersburg, MD locations. Applications are required to be submitted through USAJOBS.
Application Deadline:
February 3rd
Application materials required: web-based application, resume, letters of recommendation, transcript, personal statement, proof of US citizenship, proof of health insurance. Eligibility: US citizens. IMPORTANT:
Application deadline may be sooner if the application limit is reached before the Feb 3rd deadline.
Please see attached
Internships Updated 2020 file. All Titles in Red are still accepting applications.
Did you have an internship last summer and would like to tell us about it? Is your senior design group on the brink of making a global impact? Please email a short summary, picture and a confirmation for information
release: [log in to unmask].
Do you have a Linkedin account? Check out what Linked in can do for you:
Post Doc position at the Hive Lab:
Job Services
Peer Mentor Center
| The peer mentor center is currently closed for the semester
Career Services
Drop-in hours this week: Monday through
Friday from 11:00-1:00 pm | SUB I Room 3400
Dorothy Hayden - Industry Advisor for Engineering, Construction, Aerospace, Manufacturing, and Transportation
Schedule your appointment here:
Mason’s source for jobs, internships, workshops, & career fairs.
Click HERE to
learn more about the latest info for employers coming to campus and featured internship and job postings.
University Career Services |
University Career Services has drop-in hours available. Drop-in hours are in SUB I, Room 3400, Monday through Friday from 11-1. You can also schedule
an appointment on Handshake. If you have a quick question, you can stop in for additional drop-in hours on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:30-4:30PM in VSE 2800.
2020 Deloitte Bioengineering Scholarship:
The Scholarship is available to Juniors with a declared major in Bioengineering at George mason University. Students with a concentration in Bioengineering Health Care Informatics are particularly encouraged to apply.
$1000 Scholarship with potential internship in summer 2020. complete the attached form and submit in hardcopy to the Bioengineering office (3100 Peterson Hall) by no later
than January 31st, 2020.
SREB – State Doctoral Scholars Program
The SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program offers two awards to students who are pursuing Ph.D.s and plan to become college and university professors.
Doctoral Award - three years of direct program support and two years
of institutional support from the scholar’s college, university and/or department, in the form of a $20,000 annual stipend.
Dissertation Award - one-year, $20,000 stipend, university-covered tuition
and fees (unless the institution prohibits a fee waiver), a $500 research allowance and professional development support.
Application materials will be available beginning
January 10, 2020. The deadline to apply is 11:59 p.m. EST on March 31.
The Volgenau School of Engineering offers several scholarships for both graduate and undergraduate students.
The Long Nguyen and Kimmy Duong Scholarship Program –
The program is for Vietnamese American students
01/01/20 – 02/15/20: Online portal open for receiving applications
02/16/20 – 04/25/20: Application review and candidate selection for interviews
05/15/20: Scholarship announcement for academic year 2020-2021
06/06/20: Scholarship Award Ceremony
Each scholarship will be
$2000 for Gold Prize and $1000 for Silver Prize. The scholarship is renewable annually for up to 4 years, for students who are pursuing a bachelor’s degree