- PROV 701: Preparing for Careers in the Academy is being offered again. Please encourage your graduate students to apply to participate in this year-long professional development program funded through at Mason through by the Office of Graduate Education and the Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning. The program is designed to provide a multidisciplinary community for participating graduate students and complement the support participating students receive within their programs/from their faculty advisors.
Application deadline: Monday, 30 March 2020
For more information or to submit an application, visit: https://stearnscenter.gmu.edu/for-graduate-students/prov-701
- The Office of Graduate Education is conducting Roadshow (budget and policy) meetings with each school and college and these meetings will conclude by February.
- The Office of Graduate Education will provide units with a list of courses that have not been taught for many years and ask these programs to consider deactivating these courses
if appropriate.
- Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference (MGIC)
Seeking proposals for the 2020 Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference (Poster, oral, and visual/performing arts presentations)
One-day event showcases Mason graduate and professional student research and scholarly and creative works across disciplines
Deadline for proposals: Friday, January 31, 2020, 5:00 pm
Date of Event: Friday, March 27, 2020 in Merten Hall - More information
can be found here.
- 3 Minute Thesis (3MT®) — part of the Mason
Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference
Registration deadline: Friday, February 7, 2020
Preliminary Elimination Round: Friday, February 28, Fairfax Campus
Date of Event: Friday, March 27, 2020 in Merten Hall - More information can be found here.
*3MT competition judges and Student participants need to assist with breakdown are requested for 3MT and MGIC. Please direct student volunteers to Ms. Kristin Amaya [log in to unmask].
- Graduate Inclusion and Access (GIA) Scholarship
Application deadline is February 3rd, 2020
More information can be found here.
Reminder of Funding Opportunities:
Two important external funding competitions:
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowships: This award supports
6-12 months of overseas dissertation research in locations OTHER THAN western Europe, with focus on research that makes use of less commonly taught languages (e.g. NOT French, Spanish, or German). The competition is open to U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents
in all fields of study. Applications in STEM fields, Education, Political Science, International Development, Public Health, and Economics are particularly sought. This application must be submitted by OSP and the Office of Graduate Fellowships on the student’s
behalf. Interested students should contact Dr. Kay Ágoston, Director of Graduate Fellowships, [log in to unmask] for instructions and to verify eligibility. GMU application deadline is February 12, 2020 for funding between
October 2020 – March 2022.
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program: This program offers: (1) multi-year awards for first-year PhD students and (2) 1-year dissertation completion fellowships for advanced doctoral students, with the aim of supporting
doctoral students from groups who are under-represented in the professoriate, particularly African-American and Latinx students. The competition is open to U.S. citizens who are Virginia residents in all fields of study. The competition will open January
10-March 21, 2020, for funding beginning Fall 2020. Interested students should contact Dr. Kay Ágoston, Director of Graduate Fellowships, [log in to unmask] for instructions and to verify eligibility.