Hi everyone,

If you have not done so already, please take a minute to fill out the following survey: https://forms.gle/qVPYBjXsWPHCkTz58 This survey will help us understand what kind of academic, professional, and social events you would like to see in the future that would enrich your graduate student experience in the statistics department at GMU.

We would also like to know if you would like to be part of a student committee to help organize one or more of these events. If so, please add your email at the end of the survey. If you have already filled out the survey, but did not provide your email and would like to be added to the committee, you can email Kathy ([log in to unmask]) to let her know.

Thank you!

Kathy Xiong (MS Statistical Science Candidate) & James Cameron (PhD Statistical Science Candidate)

From: MS-STAT-L <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Carroll Barbour <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 2:25 PM
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Statistics Student Survey

Good afternoon all,


Statistical Science PhD student James Cameron and Statistical Science Masters student Kathy Xiong are trying to gather some feedback among all graduate students on what kind of organized activities you would like to have in the department.


If you can please fill out their quick survey (link: https://forms.gle/qVPYBjXsWPHCkTz58), that would be great.





Carroll Barbour

Office Assistant and Undergraduate Advisor

Department of Statistics https://68ef2f69c7787d4078ac-7864ae55ba174c40683f10ab811d9167.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/facebook-icon_16x16.png https://68ef2f69c7787d4078ac-7864ae55ba174c40683f10ab811d9167.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/linkedin-icon_16x16.png https://68ef2f69c7787d4078ac-7864ae55ba174c40683f10ab811d9167.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/twitter-icon_16x16.png

George Mason University

Nguyen Engineering Building, Room 1705

Phone: 703-993-3645