Greetings MPA Students,


Are you planning on applying to the various think tanks, non-profits, federal agencies, in the next few weeks? Do you need to update your resume but unsure how to add some of your new experiences? Do you have a perfect resume and merely need a brief amount of reassurance as to how perfect, in fact, it really is?


Tomorrow night October 30th, between 5:00pm – 6:30pm, The Schar School Career Development Team is hosting a Resume Review Clinic for students interested in getting their resumes ready for applications. Emily Mark, Alumni Chapter Secretary and Master of Public Administration Alumni, will be reviewing resumes and able to provide insights into what Industry Professionals are looking for in their applicants resumes.


If you are interested in having a fifteen minute resume review with Emily, click on this link to sign up for a time. Thank you for your attention and I hope you all have an outstanding rest of the week.




Brian Bar, MS

(Preferred Pronouns: He/His/Him/Himself)

Assistant Director for Career Development

Schar School of Policy and Government

George Mason University

3351 North Fairfax Drive, MS 3B1

Arlington, VA 22201

Phone: 703-993-8559

Fax: 703-993-4876

Email: [log in to unmask]
