Dear MS EE and MS CpE students:

If you are interested in a career in data networks, please see the link below to an ad for a position at Verizon.  If you have a strong background in networks (and perhaps even some relevant work experience) you may be a good candidate.


Brian Mark

From: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 2:19 AM
To: Brian Mark <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Network Engineer Job Postings -- Verizon

Professor Mark,

It was nice talking to you during Student/Alumni/Industry Reception and Mixer on September 24th.

We have couple of job openings in our group at Verizon. Job description can be found at below link:

I will really appreciate if you can forward below link to students who want to purse their career in Data Networks. We are looking for students with strong Python background along with graduate level course work in computer networks and routing protocols (MPLS, BGP, OSPF).
