Hi All,

Just wanted to remind you of the upcoming annual orientation/welcome back lunch will be held for bioengineering PhD and MS students on Friday,  August 23, 2019 from 10:30 am until 2:00 pm for all current and recently admitted graduate students (see attached flyer).   The orientation will include a review of program requirements.  The bioengineering faculty will be present to address any questions about your current program status and/or new review process.   This will be a great opportunity to mingle and introduce yourself to any new graduate students.  

Any recently admitted graduate students should have received invitation to attend the Volgenau School of Engineering New Student Orientation to be held on Wednesday, August 21st from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm in Enterprise Hall.   We encourage you to attend as Dean Kenneth Ball will be presenting.  The Bioengineering department specific part of the orientation will provide similar information as our welcome back lunch (but without the comraderie of other current students and faculty).  You do not need to attend the 7-8 pm part of the New Student orientation if you plan to attend the welcome back lunch. 

Please RSVP Sharon Richards([log in to unmask]) or Terry McGowan ([log in to unmask]) by COB on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 so we can get accurate count for planning and catering.