The Kluge Center is searching for an assistant to the Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology, who studies the intersection of the science of astrobiology with its humanistic and societal implications. The position involves research on science, history, space, and policy issues, as well as administrative, conference planning, and logistical duties.

Ideal candidates will have solid research and writing skills and good attention to detail. Background in science is not a requirement. Strong research, writing, and administrative skills are the most important.

The position is 20 hours a week – ideal for someone in a graduate program or for advanced undergraduates. This is a paid position.

Send resumes and expression of interest to:

Dan Turello: [log in to unmask]



Susan Woods

Office Manager

Department of History and Art History

George Mason University

4400 University Dr.  MS3G1

Fairfax, VA 22030
