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As the current chairman for the Brooks Forum of the St. George Tucker Society, I am writing Graduate Coordinators who may have Ph.D. students interested in participating at this year’s annual meeting, which will be held July 25-27 in Milledgeville, Georgia. Brooks Forum participants are awarded up to $500 to cover travel & lodging expenses, and their conference registration fees are waived.

The St. George Tucker Society<> is “an interdisciplinary scholarly organization dedicated to the study of the American South. Founded in 1990, it holds an annual meeting for members and guests during the summer ‘lay-by’ season. These meetings feature presentations by established and beginning scholars. Papers are circulated in advance of the meeting and sessions focus on the engagement between the presenter and the audience. Meals and libations are normally shared as part of the program schedule in an effort to foster collegiality.”

Participants are typically ABD, but all Ph.D. students who have completed a chapter or two of a well-conceived dissertation are welcome to apply. Each Brooks Forum participant will circulate a chapter-length paper in advance of the gathering in Jackson.  Following their presentations at the meeting, participants have the unique opportunity to receive feedback from established scholars who have read their work. Members look forward to the opportunity to engage with the work of the up-and-coming scholars that are selected to participate in the Brooks Forum. For students engaged in writing their dissertations, the opportunity to receive dedicated feedback from such a large group of established scholars is certainly unique, and students can expect to leave the weekend with critiques and encouragement that will make their projects stronger.

I first attended the Tucker Society’s annual meeting as a participant of the Brooks Forum, and the annual meeting is consistently one of the highlights of my year.

Please have interested students forward an abstract of their dissertation and a copy of their CV to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

The deadline for applications is May 11, and those selected will be notified by early June.


Jay Richardson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of History

Director, Presidential Honors Program

WCU Box 152
710 William Carey Parkway
Hattiesburg, MS 39401<>
Office: (601) 318-6165
Equipping for Every Good Work
2 Timothy 3:17