On behalf of Dr. Julie Choe Kim. Apologies for any duplicate postings.
Dear colleagues,
I write to ask for your assistance with sharing information about several opportunities for our graduate and professional students coming in the next week. I’ve attached fliers and blurbs are below
— thank you in advance for your help!
Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week 2019
Join Graduate Student Life and the Graduate and Professional Student Association in celebrating Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week April 1-6, 2019. During this week, we honor the
contributions of 10,000+ graduate and professional students on campus.
For full details, please visit https://gradlife.gmu.edu/appreciation-week/
or view the attached flier. Contact Graduate Student Life with questions.
Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference: Saturday, April 6
Mason’s Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA) invites graduate students to participate in the 2019 Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference (MaGIC) on Saturday, April 6, 2019 in Founders Hall
at George Mason University's Arlington Campus. This one-day event will showcase graduate student research, scholarly, and creative works across disciplines through posters, presentations, and Mason’s third annual Three-Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition. Join
us to learn about cutting-edge research and work conducted by your fellow students, network across disciplines, and help build Mason’s graduate and professional student community! Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and an afternoon reception featuring door
prizes concludes the day. Contact GAPSA with any questions.
Take the Lead: Run for Executive Office in the Graduate and Professional Student Association!
Are you interested in improving the experience of fellow graduate and professional students at Mason? Consider running for an Executive Officer position with the Graduate and Professional Student
Association (GAPSA)! GAPSA seeks motivated candidates for all five Executive Officer positions for 2019-2010: President, Vice President of Fairfax, Vice President of Arlington, Vice President of SciTech, and Director of Communications. Find out more about
the positions and how to submit a candidate application at the GAPSA Elections webpage. Candidate applications are due
Friday, April 5, 2019. Questions may be directed to Austin A. Deray, GPA for Graduate Student Leadership and Advising with Graduate Student Life.
Julie Choe Kim, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Student Life
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, MSN 2A4
Student Union Building 1, Room 3326
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: 703-993-4031
Fax: 703-993-9528
Facebook/Twitter: @MasonGradLife
Ms. Pallavi Rai Gullo, MA.Ed, JD
Director of Graduate Academic and Student Affairs
Office of the Provost, George Mason University
4400 University Drive, MSN 3A2
Fairfax, VA 22030