Dear all,

If you are interested in this, please let me know by April 1.



From: Bebber, Brett M. <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2019 8:01 AM
To: [log in to unmask]; Alex D'Erizans
Subject: Kele Award Nominations

Dear History Graduate Student Director:

I am writing to encourage you to nominate graduate students for the Kele Award of the European History Section (EHS), Southern Historical Association. The purpose of the award is to foster participation in the EHS of the newest generation of European historians and to encourage their professional development. The award is named for Professor Max Kele (1936-1996), a longtime and active member of the EHS and a dedicated patron of the profession of history. Professor Kele earned his Ph.D. from Tulane University and taught at the University of Florida, Gainesville, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and Bradley University. The award offers a one-year European History Section membership and Southern Historical Association affiliate membership to superior graduate students.

Eligible European history students include M.A. students, Ph.D. candidates, new Ph.D.s, and post-doctoral fellows nominated by members of the Section or faculty members of Southern colleges and universities. Up to three candidates may be nominated from one university. (The EHS Treasurer approves the nominations if the number of nominations exceeds the available monies).

You are encouraged to nominate excellent students who would be interested in complimentary membership in the European History Section.  This year’s SHA meeting will be held in Louisville from November 7-10, 2019.   It would be the perfect opportunity for your students to attend a professional conference and meet fellow historians.  I am attaching some additional information about the Kele Award.

For your convenience, you may nominate up to three students by writing to EHS Treasurer Dr. Jeffery Hankins ([log in to unmask]) with their name/s, fields of study, and contact information, per the attached document.  Please send nominations by April 30th, 2019, and let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

EHS 2019 Membership Committee