From: Brian Platt <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Research funds for PhD students
Dear PhD students,
It has become apparent in recent weeks that, for mostly fluky reasons, the department will a large budget surplus this year (one that we will have to use before the end of the fiscal year). In light of that surplus, I would like to invite
PhD students to submit requests for research and professional development expenses. This could include expenses such as conference travel, research travel, books, software, and technology. There are rules that constrain such purchasing, but we will let you
know if your proposed purchase is not allowable.
The deadline for requests will be March 21. The request should simply include the proposed expense, the cost, and a brief rationale. The cap on any single request will be $2000, but the actual amount you receive will depend on
how many requests we get. Please send these to the department’s Research Committee, through Steve Barnes ([log in to unmask]).
A couple of things to keep in mind, once your purchases are approved:
If you’re planning to do research travel, you can plan on making your purchases and getting reimbursed. For any other purchase, you will probably need to have Sue Woods ([log in to unmask])
make the purchases for you on the departmental P-Card. Therefore, unless it’s research travel, please go through Sue for any purchases.
You will need to make all purchases and submit receipts by
May 31.