Attached please find an advertisement for two open positions in United States History at the rank of Assistant Professor.  We are looking for specialists in the pre-Colonial Americas to the U.S. antebellum era and from the Civil War to the Progressive period.  The position also requires that applicants possess expertise in digital history and/or public/applied history. 


Our department offers an M.A. program that trains all graduate students in digital history skills.  Courses incorporating digital history are also offered at the B.A. level.  Additionally, both B.A. and M.A. students train in public/applied history. 


Our department is one of the first established at California State University San Marcos which opened in 1989.  We are committed to offering curriculum that focuses on issues of diversity.  Additionally, the department has a strong dedication to a global focus.  We seek a diverse pool of applicants who are committed to teaching a diverse student body. 


If you have any questions, please contact me at [log in to unmask].

Thank you,


Jill Watts

Professor and Coordinator of Graduate Studies

Department of History