PhD students, my apologies for the short notice.

The email notice below was sent out to departments just today!  If your faculty advisor/dissertation Chair is out of the office, have them email you a letter of recommendation as a PDF.  Submissions are emailed to the Provost Office of Graduate Education as noted in the info sheet attached.

Good afternoon,


The 2019 Dissertation Completion Grant application deadline is Tuesday, October 16, 2018, 5 pm. The information flyer is attached, and can also be found on the Office of the Provost’s website, under “Awards and Grants.”


Please disseminate this information widely.


Thank you,

Susan Woodruff


Susan B. Woodruff

Executive Assistant

Office of the Provost

George Mason University

4400 University Drive MS 3A2

Fairfax, Virginia 22030

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703.993.8825 (Fairfax)

540.635.0488 (SMSC)