Dear All,

Here's the fall schedule for the Ph.D. colloquium, which meets on the Mondays listed below from 5:30 to 7 in Merten Hall 1203.  All are welcome to all sessions.  

In particular, I wanted to let everyone know that Mandy Regan, a PhD candidate in our department, will be workshopping a draft dissertation chapter on Sep 24, and it would be great to have a good turnout - if you would like to see a copy of the chapter, please just send me an email.

All best,


Colloquium Schedule

  1. 10 September: An Unconference on Strategies for Succeeding in our PhD Program


    24 September: Mandy Regan, PhD Candidate, George Mason, will workshop a draft dissertation chapter: "Shaping the Female Race: Dudley Allen Sargent and Physical Fitness for Women, 1880-1918."


    15 October: Dr. Darryl Heller, Director of the Civil Rights Heritage Center, Indiana University-South Bend, on academic history and community engagement at a public history institution


    29 October:   Grant-writing for Historians


    12 November: Prospectus Presentations


    26 November: Prospectus Presentations