From: Mark Edward Helmsing
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 12:51 PM
Subject: History & Heritage in Cyprus opportunity
Dear colleagues, advisors, and academic program coordinators –
Please find attached a flyer for a course I am teaching in January between our Fall and Spring semesters here at Mason that may be of interest to your students. The course will be in Cyprus through our Study
Abroad program here at Mason and is open to both graduate and undergraduate students who wish to apply, including all students in Education as well as in programs such as Tourism, Cultural Management, History, Anthropology, Archaeology, Art, Folklore, and
related areas. Makes for a great three-credit elective option for students willing and able to travel during winter break (January 6-20).
Please share with your students and colleagues and direct any inquiries my way.
Many thanks,
Mark E. Helmsing, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Education
George Mason University
Secondary Education Program (SEED)
Advanced Studies in Teaching & Learning Program (ASTL)
Teaching & Teacher Education Program (TATE)
Center for International Education (CIE)