
Weekly Newsletter

August 29th, 2018



Students, if you haven’t done so already please connect with us on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter

The MS in BIOENGINEERING approved for Spring 2019. Application deadline: October 15, 2018                                                                                                                                


SEPT 4th | Last Day to Add Classes


Undergraduate NEWS:


MATH 203-007 Students - The MATH 203-007 recitation is not listed on Patriot web, but is mandatory! It meets Fridays from 9:30 am – 10:20 am in Exploratory Hall, Room 4107.

Have you registered for your courses yet? Please do it NOW!

WITHDRAWALS are changing for Fall 2018:
Starting this fall 2018 the registrar’s office is shortening the course drop period significantly to September 9th and implementing a regular Withdrawal period from 9/10 – 9/30. The regular withdrawal can be repeated as often as necessary, but will show as a W in your transcript. Selective Withdrawal period will start from 10/1 – 10/26, Selective Withdrawal may only be taken 3 times until graduation.

BIOL 213 changes: For students who need BIOL 213 in fall please sign up for the BIOL 213-007 class with Dr. Hoemann. This class is different from the regular BIOL 213 classes and serves as a prep course for later BENG courses.

Mason Core English Composition: The English department requires students to take the Literature Elective BEFORE English 302. No exceptions even in the last semester.

Appointments with your Advisor: Use the appointment system SSC Campus -


BENG Seminars | Thursday, Sept. 6|12pm-1pm| Research Hall rm 163

Topic: Novel Affinity Chemistries  Coupled with Nanotechnology:  Application to Personalized Medicine

Ice Cream Social | Wed, Sept. 5|2pm-4pm| VSE Atrium;

Tickets available in the Bioengineering Office with Ms. Richards – Peterson Hall, Suite 3100

Department Freshmen Orientation | Thursday, Sept. 20|11:30am-1:30pm| Krasnow Great Room;

Meet your faculty, advisor and fellow students!




Hire Mason

HireMason is the Mason's exclusive internship and job database. Employers that post in HireMason are interested in recruiting Mason students and alumni. HireMason also features on-campus jobs and research positions. Update your profile regularly, set up search alerts, and regularly check for opportunities regionally and nationally.

Career Services  |Nguyen Engineering Building ENGR 2901| Mondays and Tuesdays – Come and speak to our Industry Advisor!

Monday: Appointments 9:30 am – 4pm, ENGR 2612

Resume review 5-6pm, room ENGR 2601

Drop-ins: 6-7pm, ENGR 2901

Thursday: Appointments 9:30am  – 2pm, ENGR 2612

Drop-ins: 2:30 – 4:30pm, ENGR 2612

Scholarship/ Contests

[FLYER] Katona Scholarship for Excellence in Bioengineering Application deadline: September 15th, 2018.

The Katona Scholarship for Excellence in Bioengineering is available to rising seniors with a declared major in BIOE at Mason. Application attached.

ASEE’s 125th Anniversary Celebration Video Contest| Deadline: Registration by December 1st; Submission by February 1st. Students are asked to create a video that shows where engineering education will be in 25 years.
The scene: You are 25 years into your career as faculty, dean, chair, provost or president at your dream university.
à What does Engineering look like?
à What changes have been implemented?
à What does the student body look like? How are classes taught?
Undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral students are encouraged to submit a 90-second video where you creatively explore these topics. The winning video will be shown at the 2019 ASEE Annual Conference in Tampa and the winning team (up to two people) will win a trip to the conference, along with $3000. More details at the 125th Anniversary Website.

Sep 4       Last Day to Add Classes

Sep 5       Ice Cream Social

Sep 6       BENG Seminar

Sep 15     Katona Scholarship DUE

Sep 20     Department Freshmen Orientation


Contact Us

General Phone: 703-993-5846

Advising - Claudia Borke:703-993-4190

Email: [log in to unmask]




Claudia Borke

Academic Advisor

Volgenau School of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering

3102 Peterson Family Health Sciences Hall, 1J7

4400 University Drive

Fairfax, VA 22030

Phone: (703) 993-4190

Fax: (703) 993-2077


STUDENTS: Please use your MasonLive e-mail. Include name and G number!


Frequently Used Forms and Websites:

Declare concentration: (Fill out top and enter new concentration in “advisor use only” box)

Run Degree evaluation/audit:

How to check how other courses transfer to Mason:

Mason Core: