Hi All,


Below is the latest list of the Fall 2018 Bioengineering Seminar Series – Date, locations, Speakers, Topics/Titles and other relevant information.  We will keep you posted on any changes (awaiting Title from Paola Pergami, Ph.D.).  Mark your calendar.    Please let me know if I missing anyone on this notification. 


Thank you,


Sharon Richards
Interim Academic Program Assistant

Department of Bioengineering

3100 Peterson Family Health Services Hall








Research Hall, Room 163

Lance Liotta, Ph.D.

Co-Director/Professor, Center Proteomics & Molecular
Medicine, George Mason University, Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, Institute Advance Biomedical Research

Novel Affinity Chemistries Coupled with Nanotechnology: Application to Personalized Medicine


Student Union I, Room 3B

Avrama (Kim) Blackwell, Ph.D.

Professor, Dept. of Bioengineering
George Mason University

How Do Striatal Neurons Learn and Store Memories?


Research Hall, Room 163

Remi Veneziano, Ph.D.

Faculty, Dept. of Bioengineering
George Mason University

Investigating the Role of HIV Antigen Nanoscale Spatial Organization on    B-cell Activation


Research Hall, Room 163

Kathleen Cullen, Ph.D.

Professor, Biomedical Engineering & Dept. of 
Neuroscience, John Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD

Neural Representations of Natural Self-Motion:  Implications for Perception & Action


Student Union I, Room 3B

Alan Moghissi, Ph.D.

President, Institute for Regulatory Science (RSI),
Alexandria, VA
and Adjunct - Georgetown University 

Introduction to Regulatory Bioengineering


Student Union I, Room 3B

Ethan Cohen, Ph.D.

Division of Biomedical Physics, Office of Science and Engineering Labs, FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Rockville, MD

Development of a Microscope for Simultaneous Optical Coherence Tomography and Confocal Imaging for Use in Neurotoxicology


Research Hall, Room 163

Steve Hoang, Ph.D.

Head of Computational Biology, HemoShear Therapeutics,  Charlottesville, VA

Merging In Vitro Human Tissue Models with Computational Systems Biology


Research Hall, Room 163

Andreas Linninger, Ph.D.

Professor, Dept. of Bioengineering University of Illinois at Chicago, IL

Cerebral Blood Flow and Solute Transport in the Central Nervous System


Research Hall, Room 163

Milan Yager

Executive Director, American Institute for Medical & Biological  Engineering (AIMBE), Washington, DC

Falling Out of Love with Science


Student Union I, Room 3B

Andreas Tolias, Ph.D.

Professor, Dept. of Neuroscience
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX

The Fabric of the Neocortex


Research Hall, Room 163

Paola Pergami, Ph.D.

Pediatric Neurologist at MedStar, Georgetown University Hospital and  Associate Professor, Georgetown University , Washington, DC



Research Hall, Room 163

Tatiana Segura, Ph.D.

Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Duke
University, Durham, NC

Repairing the Brain After Stroke Using Materials