From: HGSA <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2018 2:24 PM
Subject: Reminder: Submissions for Loyola’s HGSA Conference due Friday, September 7
We wanted to send a quick reminder that submissions for Loyola’s Fifteenth Annual History Graduate Student Conference are due in less than two weeks on Friday, September 7, 2018. This year’s conference,
Building Bridges, will be held on Saturday, November 3 at our Lake Shore Campus in Chicago, IL. Details on the conference, including instructions for submission paper and poster proposals, can be found here:
As previously mentioned, this conference offers a wonderful opportunity for students to gain experience presenting original research projects and to receive feedback on their work. Additionally,
we are pleased to announce that this year's conference will include a special lunch panel and networking event focused on career pathways for graduate students, both within and outside of the academy, as part of the American Historical Association's (AHA)
Career Diversity for Historians initiative. These new and exciting sessions will provide space for graduate participants to explore future career opportunities and make important connections within the field.
We would appreciate if you could please pass this reminder on to your department. If you or your students have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Best wishes,
Sean Jacobson & Alex Gradwohl
2018 HGSA Conference Chairs
Loyola University Chicago