From: Deborah Lee <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 10:36 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: 2019 Virginia Forum Call for Papers
Please help us distribute the Virginia Forum Call for Papers!
Thank you very much!
Deborah A Lee, PhD
Independent Historian
Virginia Forum Program Committee Chair
Standardsville, VA
Call for Papers
Virginia Forum, March 14-16, 2019
The Virginia Forum will hold its fourteenth annual conference March 14-16, 2019, at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia. The Virginia Forum offers an opportunity for scholars,
teachers, writers, museum curators, historic site interpreters, archivists, librarians, and all those interested in Virginia history and culture to
share their knowledge, research, and experiences.
The Virginia Forum is interdisciplinary, including work in history, economics,
politics, geography, law, literature, education, politics, environmental studies, archaeology and anthropology. Customary panel and paper proposals on all such topics are invited, as are ones for creative presentation formats such as poster sessions, roundtables,
workshops, demonstrations, etc. Moreover, the Virginia Forum welcomes proposals from teachers, students, and professionals outside of the academy, as well as from scholars in the early stages of their academic careers.
While the Virginia Forum welcomes proposals on any Virginia topic, each year a theme is selected to inspire proposals and prompt reflection. This year’s theme is “Crossroads.”
Farmville is both a literal and figurative crossroads. Near the geographical heart of the state, located on the Appomattox River, Farmville is where both the Civil War wound down and the Civil Rights Movement sprang to life. In 2019, Virginia will mark the
sixtieth year since the collapse of statewide Massive Resistance as well as the closure of the Prince Edward County public schools, in defiance of a court order to integrate its schools. Similar anniversaries include the first documented arrival of Africans
to Virginia in 1619, and the 1919 ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution instituting the Prohibition of alcoholic beverages along with the U.S. Senate passage of the Nineteenth Amendment giving women the right to vote.
The submission guidelines are as follows:
Individual Papers: Please submit a one-page paper proposal and
one-page curriculum vitae in a single Word/PDF document to [log in to unmask] by
October 1, 2018. Please be sure to include your email address and other contact information.
Panels: Proposals for complete panel sessions, workshops, or any
other presentation formats are encouraged. Submissions should include: 1) a one-page description of the overall session; 2) a separate, one-page description for each individual presentation in the session; and 3) a one-page curriculum vitae for each panel
member, including the chairperson. Please include all of the above in a single Word/PDF document submitted to [log in to unmask] by
October 1, 2018. Please be sure to include all email addresses and other contact information.
Chairs: If you are interested in chairing a session at the 2019
Forum, please indicate your area(s) of interest and submit a one-page curriculum vitae in a single Word/PDF document to [log in to unmask] by
October 1, 2018. Please be sure to include your email address and other contact information. Past Forum participants are particularly encouraged to consider chairing a session at this meeting, as they are familiar with the convivial atmosphere that this conference
seeks to cultivate.
The deadline for submissions is October 1, 2018. Acceptances should be forthcoming by late December 2018, with a tentative schedule being announced in January 2019.
Direct further inquiries about this meeting to: [log in to unmask].
Additional information, including previous conference programs, is available online at