-----Original Message-----
From: Rose M Cherubin 
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 10:18 AM
Subject: Fall 2018 PHIL course of potential interest to HIST grad students

Hello colleagues,

I hope your summers are going very well. I am reaching out to you now because the Philosophy department will be offering a course in Fall 2018 that we think will be of interest to some HIST graduate students. The course is PHIL 640, History of Ethical Theory. It will be offered Mondays 4:30 - 7:10 PM; the instructor is Dr. Derek Boyd. From the course description:

This course examines the moral practical philosophies of Hume, Kant, Sidgwick, and Rawls. Questions of interest include: How the different moral theories we study understand the content of 'justice' (both individual and institutional)? How well a moral theory squares with our moral intuitions when considering cases? And how plausible we find a moral theory's metaethical (or metaphysical) presuppositions? There are no prerequisites for the course.

The course information page is here: https://philosophy.gmu.edu/courses/phil640/course_sections/36948

If you or your students have any questions, please do contact me, or our department chair Dr. Rachel Jones, or the course instructor Dr. Derek Boyd (both copied above).

Sincerely and with best regards,
Rose Cherubin
MA Director