From: John Carter Brown Library <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 11:07 AM
To: Sam Lebovic
Subject: Postdoctoral Fellowship in the History of the Book in the Americas
The John Carter Brown Library
The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University invites applications for a one-year Postdoctoral Fellowship in the History of the Book in the Americas. Housed at the John Carter Brown Library, one of the world's leading repositories for materials related to the history and culture of the early Americas, the Postdoctoral Fellow will work together with members of the Library staff and research fellows to bring attention to the Library's collection on the Brown campus and beyond. The successful candidate will assist in the teaching of one course in the History of the Book in the Americas (along with the Library's Director and curators) and will run undergraduate and graduate programming in book history and culture through the Charles H. Watts Program in the History and Culture of the Book. The focus of the position will be on the Library's Latin Americana collection, comprising books, manuscripts, maps, and prints from Mexico to Argentina and all points in between. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in Latin American history, literature, or an allied field and will have experience working with colonial-era texts and documents. Museum and/or curatorial experience is a plus. In addition to pursuing research projects within the Library's collection, the Postdoctoral Fellow will join a robust digital team working to add curated objects and collections to a digital repository currently under development. The fellowship will include a stipend of $60,000 (plus full benefits) and $2500 in individual research funds.

The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in Latin American history, literature, or an allied field and will have experience working with colonial-era texts and documents. Museum and/or curatorial experience is a plus.

Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis starting immediately and continuing until the position is filled. The Library will contact qualified candidates in early June to schedule interviews. Candidates should submit: 1) a CV; 2) a statement of interest or cover letter; 3) a short writing sample (no more than 25 pages); 4) and three letters of reference. Please submit applications and arrange to have letters of reference submitted online via Interfolio. Ph.D. must be successfully completed by appointment start date (September 1, 2018).

Apply online here

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John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912
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