Hi Travis,

This is a general question that applies to any Java program that you want to run, so you may want to Google around.  Briefly, Java looks at an environment variable to look for libraries and Java classes that you have installed.  When the tutorial asks you to run a command like 'java ec.Evolve -file tutorial4.params', it's assuming that you've already added the ECJ jar (and the jars for its dependencies) to your CLASSPATH.


On Sun, May 6, 2018 at 6:17 PM, Travis Atchison <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

[log in to unmask]EDU

Hi everyone. I'm new to ECJ and I am encountering a problem that I was hoping I could get some help on. I have downloaded ECJ and am working on Tutorial 4 from https://cs.gmu.edu/~eclab/projects/ecj/docs/tutorials/tutorial4/index.html , but when I go to run the file on the command line it says that it either can't find the parameter file or it can't find ec.Evolve. I've talked to some friends and they said I needed to expand my classpath. Does anyone know what they mean by that and, if so, how I can do it? Also, I'm running this on Windows , if that is relevant. Thanks for listening to my concerns.


Travis Atchison

Tutorial 4: Build a Multivalued Genetic Programming Symbolic Regression Problem In the fourth tutorial, we will use Koza-style GP to evolve solutions to a simple multivalued symbolic regression problem.


Ph.D student in Computer Science, George Mason University
Web Director, Journal of Mason Graduate Research