Dear PhD students and Laurence,


Engineers week kicks off with the Engineering Youth Conference on Saturday February 17th. Every department has a contingent of speakers who give a 40 min preferably hands on presentation. We are the only program only featuring one presentation and we are asked to add one or more talks. All the other departments have 3 or more different presentations. Here is the link to the schedule:

We are asking that either a group of PhD students or senior design students pick up a presentation.

Feb. 17  is for middle and high school students. There are 3 slots for presentations: 10-10:40 am, 11-11:40 am, 1-1:40 pm. It is requested that presenters run their session at each of the 3 time slots, though if you are not able to do all three, just let us know which ones you can do.


Thank you,




Claudia Borke

Academic Advisor

Volgenau School of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering

3904 Nguyen Engineering Building, 1J7

4400 University Drive

Fairfax, VA 22030

Phone: (703) 993-4190

Fax: (703) 993-2077


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