Hi All -

Just reminder of today's events in the ENGR Atrium starting at 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm.

12:00pm – 1:30pm  Student Organizations: Activities, Presentations	
•	SHPE – Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
•	BMES – Biomedical Engineering Society
•	SWE – Society for Women Engineers
•	INCOSE _ International Commission on Systems Engineering
•	AFCEA – Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association
•	ACM – Association for Computing Machinery Student Chapter
•	SRCT – GMU Student-Run Computing and Technology
•	EFiD – Engineers for International Development
•	NSBE – National Society for Black Engineers
•	Theta Tau – Professional Engineering Fraternity

12:30pm – 1:00pm: 	
60 - second Video Contest (Preview of the Videos)

1:00pm – 2:00pm:  Award Ceremony 
Dr. Stephen Nash will award several cash prizes to the best producers of the 60 –second Video Contest and pass the VSE Cup to the winning department of Engineer's week