From: Cody Edwards
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 1:12 PM
Subject: 3MT Request
After last year’s successful event, the Office of the Provost has announced Mason’s second annual
Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition. Students participating in this event have a three-minute window to effectively explain their research in terms appropriate to a non-specialist audience. Registration
for this event is well underway.
Judges are Needed for the Preliminary Rounds
We are in need of 25 faculty members from varying disciplines to serve as judges for the five preliminary rounds held Thursday, March 1, 9 am-4 pm in the Johnson
Center on the Fairfax Campus. These presentations are geared to a general audience, so no specific background is necessary to serve on any given round, and faculty are invited to judge more than one round. I ask that you share this request widely with your
faculty. Without faculty involvement this event will not be possible.
Judges are Needed for the Final Round
The final round, which will include 10 student presentations, is scheduled for 2:30-4:30 pm on Saturday, April 7 as part of the Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary
Conference at the Arlington campus. I welcome your suggestions for individuals with significant ties in the community to serve on the panel of judges for this round.
For detailed information about our
3MT® competition, including guidelines and judging criteria, visit Mason’s
3MT® Competition Information.
Thanks for your continued support of graduate education at Mason. I look forward to this exciting opportunity to showcase our students’ research.
Take care,
Cody Edwards
Cody W. Edwards, Ph.D.
Associate Provost for Graduate Education
Executive Director, Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation
Office of the Provost
George Mason University
4400 University Dr., MSN 3A2
Fairfax, VA 22030
703-993-4564 (Fairfax)
540-635-0461 (SMSC)