Subject: FW: World War I and the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council: A Research Competition


On the occasion of the centennial of World War I, the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is pleased to announce an open competition for scholars under the age of 30 to research and write a scholarly paper on a major aspect of how scientists and engineers in the United States were engaged in the World War I effort.  The focus, drawing on the NAS’s creation of the National Research Council as a response to the United States’ expected involvement in World War I, is on institutional changes (e.g., the charter of the NRC) and the research enterprise in America.  In effect, scholars should look at how the war experience shaped long-term relationships among scientists and engineers and U.S. policymakers regarding national security and public welfare.  The winner of the competition will be awarded a $10,000.00 prize.

Additional detail about the competition may be found at Attached, for your information, is the Academies’ official request for proposals   Please note that a research grant in the amount of $5,000.00 will be available to five scholars who submit the most compelling proposals prior to March 1, 2018.

I encourage you to circulate notice of the competition to interested parties. Any correspondence and requests for additional information about the competition should be directed to [log in to unmask].  


Steven Kendall, Ph.D.

Program Officer

Committee on Science, Technology, and Law
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Email: [log in to unmask]

Phone: 202-334-1713