Dear Ph.D. Students,

I write to encourage all of you to be active participants in our RRCHNM Director of Public Projects search.  Each finalist will be meeting with doctoral students during his/her visit to campus. To facilitate your participation, I am attaching the c.v.s and cover letters for each of the finalists.  If you have additional interest in seeing the writing samples or syllabi of the candidates, do let me know and I can get those to you.

If you have any other questions about the process, do let me know.


Dr. Smith

Suzanne E. Smith
Professor of History
Internship Director
Department of History and Art History
George Mason University
(703) 993-2147
(703) 993-1251 (fax)

Author of:
To Serve The Living: Funeral Directors and the African American Way of Death<>
"Dancing in the Street": Motown and the Cultural Politics of Detroit<>