Dear Students, A reminder that the last day to make changes to your spring schedule without late fees or penalty is Monday January 29. The final drop date for spring 2018 is Friday February 23. There is a 67% tuition liability that you are still responsible for if you drop a class at that point. Check your course schedule on Patriot Web to make sure it is correct. Spring semester calendar: Also, view your unofficial transcript on Patriot Web to see if you have an incomplete grade in fall 2017. Please note that the deadline to turn in incomplete work -- courses graded "IN" -- from the Fall 2017 semester is Friday March 23. Please work with your professor to complete and turn in any incomplete work by the 23rd. After that date the "IN" grade will automatically turn to an "F". Note: this does not apply to In Progress "IP" grades. thank you, Diane St. Germain [email signature]