Dear ECE Graduate Students,

Please be advised that Dr. Cameron Nowzari is recommending ECE 521 as the only prerequisite to ECE 721 Nonlinear Systems in spring 2018. If you have completed ECE 521 (or its equivalent) and are interested in enrolling ECE 721, we are offering it in spring 2018. Please contact Dr. Nowzari ([log in to unmask]) if you would like more information about the specifics of the course.

Best Wishes





Pelin Kurtay, Ph.D.

Associate Chair


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Volgenau School of Engineering

George Mason University

4400 University Drive

3100 Nguyen Engineering Building

MS 1G5

Fairfax, VA 22030

Tel: 703-993-7606

Fax: 703-993-1601
