MPA Students:
The Spring 2018 schedule of classes is now viewable on PatriotWeb. Registration will begin on
November 7th. To determine your individual registration time, please check
under "Registration Status and Time Ticket, Override Notification, Wait List Position". We encourage you to check the schedule of classes frequently on PatriotWeb as the schedule may change. Also, courses without an assigned instructor
are likely to be, but not guaranteed to be, offered in the upcoming semester.
Please make a note the following information:
If you have not yet declared one of the optional MPA concentrations and would like to, please reply to this email so I can walk you through the process.
Please note the following important wait list procedures:
Students will be sent e-mails (to their Mason e-mail accounts) when waitlist overrides are issued. Students will not be able to waitlist for a course if the following apply:
For more information please visit the
Registrar's Waitlist Information page.
Finally, to help answer any registration and/or academic advising questions you may have, we will be holding
Advising Open Houses on the following dates and times:
Arlington Campus
Student Services Suite 560 in Founders Hall
10/30 4pm-7pm
11/1 4pm-7pm
Fairfax Campus
Room 359 in Research Hall
11/8 10am-2pm
*Students are always welcome to schedule an appointment.
During Advising Open Houses students will be seen on a first come, first served basis.
Silva Pecini Morris
Director of Student Services
Schar School of Policy and Government