A quick reminder:

CSPS is hosting its third annual leadership tour of the Gettysburg battlefield on Saturday, October 14th. This all-day event is free of charge and open to all Schar School students (friends & family are welcome too). If you're interested in history, decision-making, strategy or civil-military relations, this tour is for you. It's also a great opportunity for first-year students to meet one another outside of the classroom!

Please note that there is a mandatory preparatory lecture before the actual trip. We will post the lecture online for those who can't attend either of the prep sessions in person.

Click here for more information<http://csps.gmu.edu/csps-student-programs/battlefield-tours/>

Upcoming events:

  *   The Center for Naval Analyses is hosting a panel on North Korea entitled "Understanding North Korea's Strategic Calculus: What's at Stake?" from 9:00 am - 10:30 am on Wednesday, October 11th. CNA is located at 3003 Washington Blvd (a few blocks from Founders Hall). The event features Admiral (Ret.) Fallon, David Sanger, David Finkelstein and Ken Gause. Our very own Zack Steinborn is helping to put it together. If you are interested you need to register here<http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eenc6e9re75f5ae5&llr=becoso9ab> today (October 6th). Send any questions directly to Zack at [log in to unmask]
  *   CSPS will host a talk by former Ambassador Barbara Bodine at 4:30 pm on Friday, November 3rd in 113 Founders Hall. Ambassador Bodine will discuss the ongoing civil war in Yemen as well as its implications for U.S. national security. RSVP at http://csps.gmu.edu/events
  *   CSPS - in conjunction with the Army War College - will host its biannual simulation on Saturday, November 4th in Founders Hall. The simulation involves a crisis in the Baltic region. More information to follow!

Internship opportunities:

CATO is currently soliciting applications for its paid internship program. You can find more information at cato.org/intern<http://cato.org/intern>. Several I-SEC graduates and faculty work at CATO. I would be glad to put you in touch if you have more questions.

I hope to see you at one or more of these events! Have a great long weekend!

