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Nov. 1


*Research Hall
Room 163*

Address for Research Hall:
10401 York River Road
Fairfax, VA 22030
Nearby visitor parking is available at the Shenandoah Parking Deck

Fall 2017


"Beyond 'Moderation': Islamic Politics and the Security State in Pakistan"

Lecture by Joshua White

Concerned with a rising tide of religious radicalism within Pakistan, many observers have wondered why moderates do not speak out more strongly against militancy. Drawing on his detailed fieldwork among Islamist parties in northwest Pakistan and his recent tenure as a U.S. policymaker in the Pentagon and the Obama White House, Dr. White will explore the roots of this puzzle. In addition, he will discuss the implications of religious radicalism for the future of the Pakistani state, and for the often-contentious U.S.-Pakistan relationship.

Dr. Joshua T. White is Associate Professor of the Practice of South Asia Studies and Fellow at the Edwin O. Reischauer Center for East Asia Studies at The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washington. He previously served at the White House as Senior Advisor & Director for South Asian Affairs at the National Security Council.

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