The INTO Mason office wants to hire a graduate student from the Statistics Department who could hold office hours (3-4) each week in their Learning Resource Center (Global Center, Rm. 1305) for international students in the INTO Graduate Pathway Programs. Students are taking a variety of statistics and research courses for which they would like to have a tutor available to answer questions about assignments and course content. Courses include the following, in order of priority for which tutoring is needed: STAT 515, 554, 654 PSYC 661 (Advanced Statistics/Research Methods for Psychology) HAP 602 (Statistics for Health Services Management) FYI - pay for tutors is $25/hr if you already have a Masters and $15/hr if you do not. If interested, please contact: Kathy Rossell Learning Resource Center Coordinator INTO George Mason University Global Center, Rm. 1305 Tel 703-991-0170 Fax 703-993-3942 Email: [log in to unmask]