Dear Prospective Instructors,

        My name is Dr. Mark DAntonio and I am the Special Assistant to the Provost at Northern Virginia Community College at the Woodbridge campus.  I am working with a team to build a weekend college and I am in need of some teachers for our BIO 101, 102 and BIO 141, 142 courses on Fridays and Saturdays and perhaps on some evenings.

       To teach at NVCC you would need to have an earned Master's degree in Biology.  We are looking to hire adjunct professors for Fridays and Saturdays starting in January of 2018.  Please email me your resume/vita and an unofficial copy of your transcripts.  I will then meet with the Assistant Dean of Biology to evaluate your submission.

        Many thanks for considering NVCC! I look forward to hearing from you.

Dr. Mark DAntonio   Web link =<redir.aspx?REF=EE07LDt2JN2TmccINb98UMYTp6ynKozfOr6NZSQaxBXRnK4j8tvTCAFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm52Y2MuZWR1L2hvbWUvbWRhbnRvbmlvLw..>
Northern Virginia Community College Woodbridge Campus
Special Assistant to the Provost
Office = 703-878-5789      Fax = 703 878-5676