Ye, The ECJ manual gives the following rationale for multiple GP trees: ECJ allows multiple subtrees for various experimental needs: Automatically > Defined Functions (ADFs — a mechanism for evolving subroutine calls), or > parallel program execution, or evolving teams of programs. > I don't know about your crossover question, though, so I'll leave that to someone else... Cheers, Siggy On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 11:18 AM, Xiaomeng Ye <[log in to unmask]> wrote: > Hello all, > > I am curious about the reasoning behind having multiple GP trees under one > GP individual. In the code, GPIndividual is defined as: > > public class GPIndividual extends Individual > { > ... > public GPTree[] trees; > ... > } > > 1. > It seems the tutorials normally have one tree under one individual. I > wonder what are the usages of having multiple trees under one individual. > I read the code in, it seems that when one > individual has multiple trees, one tree is selected randomly for the > crossover. I understand this can be customized to a different version. For > example, tree1 of individual A can only be crossed with tree1 of individual > B. > > 2. > Additionally, if we have multiple trees under one individual, do we need > to change the parameter file so the crossover happen normally? (To me the > answer is no, but I am not sure.) Say if I use the following as my > parameter when there is only one tree under one individual: > > pop.subpop.0.species.pipe = ec.breed.MultiBreedingPipeline > # Koza's decision here was odd... > pop.subpop.0.species.pipe.generate-max = false > # Subsidiary pipelines: > pop.subpop.0.species.pipe.num-sources = 2 > pop.subpop.0.species.pipe.source.0 = > pop.subpop.0.species.pipe.source.0.prob = 0.9 > pop.subpop.0.species.pipe.source.1 = ec.breed.ReproductionPipeline > pop.subpop.0.species.pipe.source.1.prob = 0.1 > > Thank you very much! > > Ye Xiaomeng > > -- Ph.D student in Computer Science, George Mason University CFO and Web Director, Journal of Mason Graduate Research