This is a reminder about the roundtable discussion on Monday May 22. The time for the roundtable discussion has been changed to 12:00 pm. This is a brown bag roundtable discussion, so feel free to bring your lunch.

Dear Biosciences PhD Students,


Please come to Colgan Hall Room #312-G (conference room) on Monday, May 22, at 12 pm for a roundtable discussion.  This is an opportunity to get your questions about the PhD  program answered including what next steps are needed to ensure the successful completion of your degree.  This roundtable is open to all students, but is especially important for student who are getting ready to take their comprehensive exams, defend their proposal, and/or have already progressed to candidacy.  A special emphasis will be on comprehensive examinations (both oral and written), proposal guidelines, and timelines for completion of these tasks.  We will also discuss the role of your dissertation committee in these processes and beyond. 


Faculty are also invited and encouraged to attend to provide additional input and guidance.



Dr. Kehn-Hall



Kylene Kehn-Hall, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Graduate Program Director

School of Systems Biology

National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases

George Mason University


Biomedical Research Laboratory

10650 Pyramid Place, MS 1J5

Manassas, VA 20110

703-993-8869 (Office)

703-993-9493 (Lab)

703-993-4280 (FAX)

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