Dear Colleagues, The following is a job announcement for a Summer Lab Technician. The same information is attached. Summer Lab Technician, Summer 2017, USAMRIID Job description Dr. A. Alonso Aguirre, Chair, ESP and Dr. Michael Von Fricken, Assistant Professor, GCH, are collaborating on an infectious disease project to determine exposure of humans to tick-borne diseases in Mongolia. Human sera have been collected but need to be screened for different infectious agents. We are seeking for one or two motivated graduate students to test those specimens in a federal lab this summer. Student(s) will be expected to travel with Dr. von Fricken to Fort Detrick, MD to work with the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), to test human serum (1,931 samples) and ticks (4000+), for spotted fever group Rickettsia exposure and infection. There may also be an opportunity to work on these samples for other tick pathogens, like Borrelia sensu lato. Student(s) must be skilled in a laboratory setting, specifically experienced with a combination of PCR, ELISA, and/or IFA techniques. This work will be conducted over 1 month during the summer of 2017 and may result in multiple publications, giving the prospective student(s) additional lab training and hands on experience conducting infectious disease research working with tick pathogens in a BSL-2 setting. Students will be hired at $10.00/dl an hour up to 40-hr a week. Due to current restrictions, the student must be a US citizen with no criminal record. This is a great opportunity for graduate students interested in pursuing a PhD, as this research could potentially serve as part of a dissertation. If interested please send a letter of interest, CV and transcript to Dr. A. Alonso Aguirre, Chair, ESP via email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> A. Alonso Aguirre D.V.M., M.S., Ph.D. Chair Department of Environmental Science and Policy George Mason University 4400 University Drive MSN: 5F2 Fairfax, VA 22030-4400, USA 1.703.993.7069 (direct) 1.703.993.1066 (fax) 1.304.200.0145 (cell)